Wolcott Woods


Wolcott Woods is a proposed age-restricted residential development to be located on a new roadway (tentatively “Wolcott Woods Lane”). The Project will include the restoration and conversion of three existing dwellings on the Property (the Manor House at 1672 Canton Avenue, the Wolcott House at 1726 Canton Avenue, and the Devens House at 1702 Canton Avenue) and the construction of 50 additional townhouse units in 31 free standing or duplex style structures clustered on 40% of the Property. The Project will contribute 6 units to the Town’s Subsidized Housing Inventory through the acquisition and refurbishment of existing underutilized appropriate structures located in other parts of Milton and the resale of such structures as affordable units.

Construction Management Plan & Narrative

Peer Review & Other Comment Letters

Traffic Study, Analysis and Plan

Environmental Notification Form (ENF)